Your flexible workspace solution
Adapt to the ever-evolving workspace needs of modern companies
User management
User management
Flexible workspaces for everyone
Hassle-Free bookings
With our real-time booking system, reserve your desired space in seconds
Diverse workspace options
Dive into our vast network of spaces, from traditional offices to vibrant open spaces and everything in between.
Flexibility at your fingertips
From a desk for a day to a meeting room for an hour, book spaces that fit your requirements.
Cost effective
By only paying for the space and duration you need, businesses can optimize their expenses and get the best value.
Flexible workspaces for everyone
Hassle-Free bookings
With our real-time booking system, reserve your desired space in seconds
Diverse workspace options
Dive into our vast network of spaces, from traditional offices to vibrant open spaces and everything in between.
Flexibility at your fingertips
From a desk for a day to a meeting room for an hour, book spaces that fit your requirements.
Cost effective
By only paying for the space and duration you need, businesses can optimize their expenses and get the best value.
Flexible workspaces for everyone
Hassle-Free bookings
With our real-time booking system, reserve your desired space in seconds
Diverse workspace options
Dive into our vast network of spaces, from traditional offices to vibrant open spaces and everything in between.
Flexibility at your fingertips
From a desk for a day to a meeting room for an hour, book spaces that fit your requirements.
Cost effective
By only paying for the space and duration you need, businesses can optimize their expenses and get the best value.
View our spaces
Flexible workplaces in and around Oslo. Where will you work from?

Epicenter Oslo
A buzzing community located in central Oslo. Apart from desks and lounge areas, Orbit members can use 30-minute meeting rooms and phone booths for free.

Share Oslo
Share is the perfect spot for entrepreneurs, technologists, and business leaders with international experience and ambitions.

House of Fellows
Located in Fredrikstad, this location is perfect for anyone who would like skip the commute and work in a professional environment.
Check the app for more locations!

Learn more
Frequently asked questions
How much does it cosst to book a desk or meeting room?
What payment methods do you offer?
How do I pay?
What is your cancellation policy?
Orbit mission control
Book a demo today and see how Orbit can bring you flexibility and predictability.